Sustainable Clothing Store
Managed state using Redux Toolkit, creating slices for
cart and user states.
Implemented actions for cart management (add/remove
items, update quantities) and user authentication.
Integrated local storage for state persistence and theme
Implemented dynamic product fetching using React Query,
with customizable parameters for search, filtering,
sorting, and pagination.
Applied Daisy UI components for efficient and consistent
styling across the application.
Developed a Node.js backend with TypeScript and Express
for robust API creation.
Implemented MongoDB for efficient data storage and
- Utilized JWT for secure user authentication.
Created flexible product querying with support for
filtering, sorting, and pagination.
Integrated OpenAI's DALL-E 3 API to automate product
image generation for database seeding.
Used Cloudinary for cloud-based image storage and
Created comprehensive API documentation using Swagger
UI, enhancing developer experience and API usability.
Deployed and hosted the full stack application on
Render, ensuring seamless integration of frontend and
backend services.