Project information

Sustainable Clothing Store

  • Frontend:
    • Managed state using Redux Toolkit, creating slices for cart and user states.
    • Implemented actions for cart management (add/remove items, update quantities) and user authentication.
    • Integrated local storage for state persistence and theme management.
    • Implemented dynamic product fetching using React Query, with customizable parameters for search, filtering, sorting, and pagination.
    • Applied Daisy UI components for efficient and consistent styling across the application.
  • Backend:
    • Developed a Node.js backend with TypeScript and Express for robust API creation.
    • Implemented MongoDB for efficient data storage and retrieval.
    • Utilized JWT for secure user authentication.
    • Created flexible product querying with support for filtering, sorting, and pagination.
    • Integrated OpenAI's DALL-E 3 API to automate product image generation for database seeding.
    • Used Cloudinary for cloud-based image storage and management.
    • Created comprehensive API documentation using Swagger UI, enhancing developer experience and API usability.
    • Deployed and hosted the full stack application on Render, ensuring seamless integration of frontend and backend services.